Friday, May 8, 2009

FDR and the Evil Empire? Give me a break...

I know, I know...this one is probably too short, but it really drives me crazy when Conservatives do this crap. Take a moment (if you can stomach it) and go read this in another window. Go ahead, I'll wait: Liberty and Tyranny II, by Mike Adams.

OK, now what's wrong with this picture? It's pretty easy, and I can tell you right away - yes, FDR raised income taxes A LOT, but who ended up paying out most of it? The very wealthy. Your Astors, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers...and your Roosevelts.

It's funny, FDR's own adoring mother was so aghast by some of his policies that even she refused to pay out, like with Social Security, for instance. When alerted by his offices that Sara Delano Roosevelt wasn't paying her share of SS, FDR just smiled, told them not to bother her, and he paid everything she back-owed, and then went on paying his own dues, too. But that's just the kind of person he was: very sunny and laid-back, and he liked to share things...including his own wealth.

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